Organizing Committee
Scientific Advisory Committee

Dr. Ruchi Supekar
Sr. Research Scientist, Molecular Virology, BioSensing for Life
Benefits for OCM & Program Committee Members
Organizing Committee Benefits :
- Awarded with memento during the conference
- Opportunity to meet experts in your field of expertise
- Opportunity to Chair/Co-chair a session of your interest
- Opportunity to decide the best poster award
- Organizing Committee member will be felicitated with Certificate
- Can give free advertisement in the conference book
- We will include inserts (provided by you) in the conference delegate bags
- We will include your University/Institution logo on the conference banners and books and also in the conference website
- OCM name and photograph will be displayed in conference website
- Discount on registration fee to the group suggested by you
Roles and Responsibilities of OCM
- You are welcome to suggest any tracks/sessions of the conference
- To review the Abstracts of tracks of their interest
- To organize a Workshop/Symposium at the conference
- To suggest potential Speakers/Delegates for the conference
- To send invitations to the high profile speakers
- Giving suggestions in getting Sponsors and Exhibitors
- To give suggestions to increase the scope of the conference, Serve as Session Chair as advised by Conference Chairs