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What are some surprising facts about newborn babies

1. Babies are Born with the Skill to Swim:

Newborns usually hold their breathing when underwater, and even throw about with their arms and legs.

Your baby can go swimming as soon as you desire, but if you are preparing on getting her yourself, wait till after your six-week analysis. It is necessary to make sure you are growing well before going in the pool.

2. Babies have more bones than adults:

Your baby was born with around 300 bones. As she begins, many of these will get stronger, and some will blend.

By the time your baby arrives adulthood, she is expected to have just 206 bones in her body.

3. It is common for newborns to drop weight:

Some breastfeeding mums worry that if their newborn loses weight in the first some days, it means they are not getting sufficient breastmilk. It is not right.

In the first few days after your baby's born, it's natural for her to drop between 5 percent and 10 percent of her body weight. Most babies get back to their birth weight by the time they are around two weeks old.

4. Your baby loves your scent:

Your baby could smell and taste before she was even born. She will fast grow to enjoy your natural scent, and it may help to soothe and quiet her when she is disconcerted. So try to avoid utilizing strong-smelling toiletries in the early weeks with your newborn.

Your baby has many more taste buds than you, expanded over her entire mouth rather than just on her tongue

5. Babies learn much quicker than adults:

Even before she was born, your baby studied to understand your voice, and probably also your partner’s. Now that many stimulations surround her, she is getting all the time. Her brain is forming connections at an incredible rate, as she discovers more about the world around her.

Get advantage of this incredible ability for learning by speaking, reading, and singing to your baby whenever you can.

6. Boys' and girls' minds are different:

Categorically how different, and what effect this has on growth, is hotly debated.

Research recommends that newborn boys' minds may develop faster than girls' minds in the first 3 months, particularly in areas that control movement. On the other hand, girls may have more sensitive senses, meaning that they can see and hear better than boys, to begin with.

Refer: Sarvjeet Kaur


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